






흥뚱항뚱 공부한 비오는 토요일

오늘은 하루종일 비가 내리고 있었다.

오후부터 활동을 시작해서 주로 중국어 공부를 했다. 하지만 집중하면서 했는게 아니라 도중에 낮잠을 자거나 인터넷을 하거나 흥뚱항뚱한 공부 이었다. 다음주에는 시험이 있는데, 정말 성실하지 못한 제…

수요일은 배드민턴의 날

덥지만 가을 바람이 불고 있다.

일이 끝난후 배드민턴을 하러 체육관에 갔다. 지난번에 회사 근처에서 토마스 컵(6)라는 셔틀을 샀었는데 그것이 안 좋아서 후회하고 있다. 역시 싼것은 안 좋군.

체육관도 강렬한 무더움이 없어져서 플레이 하기 쉽게 되었다.

여러가지 것을 한 토요일

바람이 불고 있어서 기분이 좋은 밤이다.

일어난후 좀 한국어를 공부하고나서 베드민턴 연습에 갔다. 오늘은 7명 밖에 오지 않았어서 1면 밖에 필요없었다. 유모토씨는 언제나 온다 온다고 하고 있지만 오늘도 오지 않았다.

그것이 끝난후 직접 치과 의원에 가서 클리닝 처치를 받았다. 오늘은 아래의 이만 처치를 받았어서 다음주에 다시 가야 겠다.

저녁에 되어나서 청소를 한후 산발에 갔다. 그 이발소에 갔는 건 반년만이었다.

Surprised at a sudden call from an ex-colleague

Too hot today, too.

I was in a testing laboratory all day to complete the preparation for making an auto-demo move. I felt relieved that I could manage to finish it because there was some trouble where I had to have some developers involved for troubleshooting.

By the way, I got a telephone call from one of my ex-colleagues. I haven’t heard from him for these 7 years or so, so I was very surprised knowing that he wanted to recruit me for his company.

I politely rejected his request, but this year surely is a year of reunion. I’m going to have a drinking party tomorrow with my ex-coworkers who joined the company in the same year and went to summer school in Michigan, US. In addition to that, I met an ex-coworker at an exhibition and another at one of the seminars of our company.

I don’t know why these happened this year, but things are going like this.

Too tired at the last day of three-day weekend

It was too hot today.

Because I had nothing to do and it was too hot outside, I didn’t feel like go out in the daytime. In addition to that, I was so tired because yesterday, I had played both futsal and badminton in the afternoon, until 9 o’clock that I just wanted to have a rest. I was asleep except I went out to buy breakfast meal in the morning and went out to eat ramen around 4.

Actually, I went out to the gym around 7, but at the reception they said they had closed the training room at 5 because it was holiday. So I’m going to jog instead after a while. But as it is windy outside and I have a pain in my ankle, I have lead in my pants right now.

What a lazy day I spent

Although it is already April, it was cold outside today.

Woke up late around noon. Went to the laundry to pick up and send some clothes. Obachan said they had just started special sales for suits cleaning and I was happy to unexpectedly save money because I rarely send my suits to the cleaners.

Having nothing to do, slept again in the afternoon. Woke up around 7PM and went to Cocoichi to eat hashed beef.

라쿠텐 카드의 대응에 불만을 느낀다

4월이 되었는데, 좀 추워서 아직 점퍼가 필요한다.

라쿠텐(楽天) 카드라고 하는 크레디트 카드를 쓰고 있는데 어느 트러블이 있어서 여기에 공유하겠다.

저는 작년말에 해외 여행을 가려고 계획을 세워 있었는데, 일 때문에 못 가게 되었다. 그래서 이미했던 지불을 캔슬 했지만, 그 캔슬 요금의 반금 방법이 복잡해서 이해하지 못 했다.

그래서 카드회사에 전화해서 지면으로의 대답을 요구했다. 그것은 2월 중순의 일이었다. 하지만 3월이 되어도 조금도 대답이 없어서 다시 전화했다. 그때는 3월 중순까지는 대답을 할 것인다고 했지만, 3월 말이 되어도 대답이 없었다.

그래서 다시 전화했으니 금방 대답하겠다고 해서, 그 2일후 속달으로 편지가 왔다. 그 편지를 봐서 처음에 제대로 반금되어 있는 것을 알았다.

12월 캔슬한것에대해 이렇게 확인에 시간이 걸리면 안되지요. 혹시 문제가 있으면 여행 회사에 조회해야 하지만, 여행 회사도 회계상의 합계 처리가 끝나 있을 것 같아서 문제가 커지지요.

I should have explored the truth more when I felt a sense of doublt

It was rainy.

Today I received an international call from my ex-colleague with whom I hadn’t gotten touch for 4 or 5 years until recently. One of the now-colleagues who was with me when I was talking on the phone said they would charge against both the receiver and caller of the international call. I doubted what he said but because he insisted it as if it were common sense, I missed a chance to object him.

I realize now that he must have misunderstood. To be sure, when you are abroad with your cell phone, they might charge you cost of the international roaming fee to the destination country, but as long as you are in your country, the receiver of an international call doesn’t have to pay a fee. That’s the basic rule. I would like to let him know the fact with some source of information and want to see his reaction when his belief collapses.